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Happy Feet - 4 Lessons

in this self-paced course you learn how you can find ease and comfort for your feet, and much much more!

Your feet support all of you when standing, walking, and all activities. Over the years they have become less than optimal in supporting you. 

 Thus you need to learn new ways of finding support.

This course takes you through four steps in  increasing the ways your feet can support you. 

The lessons are done lying on the floor (or your bed) and are approximately 60 minutes in length.

Topics include:

  • Contacting the Ground
  • Sensing the Toes
  • Swing from the tips to the hips
  • The forgotten Heel
  • Connecting with the Whole Self

All have video!

Included is an 8-page diary that you can download and use to journal your progress!

  • Total payment
  • 1xHappy Feet - 4 Lessons$29.99

All prices in CAD
