
Your Frozen Habits

5 weekly LIVE Classes beginning 23 January.

Let go of habits

Release stiffness 

reduce  tightness & pain

increase flexibility

Increase Resilience

Increase spontaneity

There is a Better Way

Increasing your awareness acts as the thawing agent. When you practice paying attention to sensations, limitations, and the quality of your actions, it's like you are applying warmth to the frozen habits.

The Feldenkrais Method often involves gentle, mindful exploration of movement. As you engage in these exploratory movements, they start to "melt" the rigidity of their habits. This process involves organically and systematically taking apart the frozen, habitual patterns by introducing new, conscious and effective ways of moving.

The brain's neuroplasticity comes into play. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to reorganize itself based on experience. As you bring awareness to your movements, you create new neural connections and pathways, gradually reshaping the way the nervous system coordinates and executes those movements.

About the Class

  • The live Zoom class starts 23 January at 7:30 pm, for one hour.
  • Each week, for 5 weeks there is a different class, tailored to what you need.
  • At the end of each class there is time for discussion, to debrief, to deepen your understanding.
  • Each class is recorded, so if you miss a lesson, you can do it in your own time.

Even before the first class, join the online course for:

  • Information about the Feldenkrais Method
  • Ideas on how to benefit
  • Two practice lessons, one short (sitting), the other longer (lying down)

Register here.
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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

ThawYour Frozen Habits$49.95

  • Total payment
  • 1xThaw Your Frozen Habits$49.95

All prices in CAD
