Your Best Breath
Learn about the amazing apparatus of breathing that we are born with; how you can find your way to breathe easier and tantalizing hints on how you can increase your ease and comfort.

Your Best Breath
Learn about the amazing apparatus of breathing that we are born with; how you can find your way to breathe easier and tantalizing hints on how you can increase your ease and comfort.
Breathwork benefits
The benefits of attending to, and improving your way of breathing has many benefits
Why You Need This Course
Contents of the Course
The course starts with information about the Breathing Apparatus, then presents five lessons that highlight the different aspects of breathing and how you can improve. If Awareness Through Movement are new for you, there is a section on how to benefit from each lesson.
Each lesson has introductory text, the lesson in video and downloadable audio, and a follow-up section that helps you focus you learning.
Your Best Breath
Learn about the amazing apparatus of breathing that we are born with; how you can find your way to breathe easier and discover tantalizing hints on how you can increase your ease and comfort.
about your amazing apparatus of breathing
how you can find your way to breathe easier
tantalizing hints on how you can increase your ease and comfort
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